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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

>What Does Obama Think About Mosque at Ground Zero?

>This is from Gary Bauer. Can any reasonable person argue his point about Obama’s silence?

Have you noticed how President Obama seems to be everywhere, all the time, with an opinion on everything? Yet he has been strangely silent about the effort to build a 13-story mega-mosque at Ground Zero in New York, the site of the attack by Islamists on 9/11. Surely the issue is more than a local concern.

Ground Zero belongs to all Americans. It is hallowed ground. Three thousand of us were brutally murdered there by jihadists who killed us because we were “infidels.” Their fellow jihadists are even now plotting to deliver greater sorrows to us and all free men.

The group that is planning to build the mosque refuses to disclose where the estimated $100 million needed for construction is coming from. This has produced legitimate national security implications that are a federal responsibility.

The president was quite vocal when he did not want Jewish homes built in certain neighborhoods of Jerusalem. So why the silence about building on the sacred land of Ground Zero?

Call the White House at 202-456-1111 and urge the president to oppose building a mosque at Ground Zero.

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