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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

>To Commemorate Veteran’s Day – Honor To Serve


I was in Pasadena, California watching tv in a bar when Jeremiah Denton made the incredible statement that appears as part of this video. It made an impact in my life then, but later it would mean incredibly more.

At the end of that year I was arrested in Texas that resulted in a prison sentence in Oregon. While in Texas I was introduced to the Lord and the gospel via reading a paperback book someone had donated.

The Spirit of God did His convicting work, and at the age of 26, from a stereotypical child of the sixties Nam vet, alcoholic, drug dealing thief I was set free.

I use Denton’s statement frequently as an illustration that following Christ is NOT about “your best life now,” but is about sacrifice, inconvenience, and great joy.

And, by His grace, I challenge me as I challenge others to live in such a way that maybe…maybe…we will one day bow at His feet and state, “Lord Jesus, it has not been easy, I got close to giving up, but by Your power I’ve come to realize that it has been an honor to serve You under difficult circumstances.:

Thanks to all other veterans, and “welcome home.”

(and if there is someone tempted to yell because of the person singing the song, I am aware of the situation; but his sin does not negate the words of the song)

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