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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

>Outside Looking In – A Book Recommendation


Righteous by Lauren Sandler is an overlooked but important book to anyone concerned about Christianity and youth. Sandler is NOT a follower of Christ, but she wrote this book subtitled “Dispatched from the Evangelical Youth Movement.”

She traveled the country looking into concerts, skate parks, schools, churches, and more to see what young Christians said, did, and thought. I think she does a great job of maintaining her personal integrity (not pretending to be something she is not; or pretending to agree with something with which she has serious problems). She is a good writer.

The book offers insights not only into the varous strains of youth ministry, but peeks into the mind and soul of the author, a fair representative of non-Christians in North America.

The best recommendation is what militant atheist Sam Harris says about the book: “Laruen Sandler obliterates the naive and complacent hope that keeps most secularists and religious moderates sleeping peacefully each night – the hope that, in twenty-first century America, the young know better than to adopt the lunatic religious certainties of a prior age. The young do not know better. In their schools, skate parks, rock concerts, and in the ranks of our nation’s military, our children are gleefully preparing a bright future of ignorance and religious fascism for us all. If you have any doubt that there is a culture war that must be waged nad won by secularists in America, read this book.”

Here’s a tidbit that may whet your appetite. The author visits a Bible study, and as the meeting concludes the leader asks if the group may pray for her. She nods, and listens as individuals pray for her (as opposed to “preach to her”). As the prayers conclude the author writes, “Each articulation of my particular concerns – each so separate from their own – stokes embers inside my chest, the empathy, wisdom, and foresight of these prayerful men and women filling my eyes with tears. I finally understand: they want to save me just as I want to save them.”

This is a very, very good book. And right now you can get this hardcover book from Amazon for three bucks plus shipping. Click below if you wanna get it now!

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