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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

>Country Gospel and a Witch Hunt

>Why do I do this? I know some who read will wonder if the singer is a Christian, and some will be offended that it is not an overtly Christian song…but truth is truth, regardless of from where it comes. I do hope this man is a child of God rather than “just” a creation of God…but I do enjoy it…give it a listen and a watch:

And as I thought sadly since the weekend (when a young lady loudly proclaimed that she had forsaken her senior prom in order to come to a youth rally; and blasted a peer who instead attended the prom) about the ever-vigilant-list-keepers my mind recalled a song I’ve not thought of for years…the old Petra song “witch hunt”…can’t even recall how old this is…but, sadly, yet so contemporary:

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