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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

>Highest Recommendation!

>Very rarely do I recommend a book until I’ve completed it. But just yesterday I received my copy of Don’t Call It a Comeback and after just a couple chapters I not only recommend it, but I urge you to get a copy (and, of course, if you follow the link below I’ll “earn” a couple cents if you buy it)

Here’s one of many sentences I underlined: “If the gospel is old news to you, it will be dull news to everyone else.”

And, “There is a time for dialogue, but there is also a time for declaration.”

Plus, “The world needs to see Christians burning, not with self-righteous fury at the sliding morals in our country, but with passion for God.” One more, “When the church discovers cool, it won’t be cool anymore.”

Last, for this time, “I think a lot of older Christians are desperate to figure out what young people are into because they are too embarrassed to be themselves and too unsure of themselves to simply love the people they are trying to reach.”

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