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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

>Youth Worker? Vitally Important Sentence

>If you serve Jesus as a youth worker…regardless of what the Board says, regardless what parents want (usually to pass their parenting responsibilities on to you), regardless of what is easier and shows quicker “results” (though they may vaporize the next day, week, month)…read and remember this, from Brett Kunkle of Stand To Reason (if you are not using this website, do so).

If you are not directly involved in youth work, pass this on to those who are. I noted that my PREVIOUS BLOG was one of the most important I’ve ever passed on; this is of equal importance…perhaps even moreso:

“Youth groups are good at telling kids how we should behave but undermine those efforts by failing to address what we should believe and why.”

And…if you want to do something to “address what we should believe and why,” you need to order and pass on several copies of this:

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