“Jack, you should write a book!”
Had I a dollar for everytime that has been said to me I’d be able to support a lot more ministries and missionaries.
Forty years ago people told me that because of the details of my testimony. Over the years most have said they still think I should write those details; but they’ve also said I should write about:
Ministry in general
Youth Ministry
Prison Ministry
Camp Ministry
Support Raising (Deputation)
The Joys and Pains of Adoption (Jane and I have two children the old-fashioned way; and two adopted
Seasonal Depression
I’ve whined about not having time, being scared of glorifying sin, and other excuses (to paraphrase a military saying, “Excuses are like elbows; everyone has a couple.”
Well, I am going to begin to write.
A few months ago I received a letter from a dear, dear friend. I’ve known her for over four decades. Her husband started a youth ministry from scratch, that grew and lasted decades. His name? Dr. Al Metsker, founder of Kansas City Youth For Christ.
Vidy’s letter:
“I’m always amazed as I read your (monthly) newsletters. It’s mostly the positive and encouraging content of how God is blessing and using you – but also – your writing ability! Does God have a book inside you? Maybe someone needs to be challenged by, for instance, your ministry to prisoners?”
Initially I shrugged her suggestion off as I had all the others. But Vidy’s words kept reappearing in my mind.
This morning the thought of writing was churning through my head. I opened the Word (I follow a plan) and read Psalm 102 and was slapped by:
Verses 18-20 “Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord: that He looked down from His holy height; from heaven the Lord looked at the earth, to hear the groans of the prisoners, top set free those who were doomed to die.”
Coincidence? Methink not.
At any rate, I’ve made the decision to write what may well turn into a book.
And I need your help!
Most of you know some of my background…no church background, saved at 26 while incarcerated…Army veteran (Vietnam), alcoholic, drug abuser/seller, thief…paroled from prison in 1977; in vocational ministry since.
Hopefully there are details you’d be interested in learning…hopefully you have questions about the aspect of the particular ministry activities that resulted in us knowing one another.
So here is the request…
Thinkaboutit…then send any and all questions you have to me. You can do that by text (816-261-1881), phone call, email (jack.hager@gmail.com), of message me on facebook, or comment on this post.
I really ask you to invest a bit of time as it will be a tremendous help in me focusing on what people want to know.
Can I count on you?