>This is a shot from the 2010 Bible Quiz Fellowship National Tournament in Pittsburgh, Pa a few weeks ago. This picture was snapped before the third “stage” quiz (the top three teams compete, but in order to win a team must take two “first” places…so it is more-than-a-bit-tense!).
Don’t know who suggested it (UPDATE – I’ve been informed that Jim Cicchesee of TFC Wis/Minn, coach and director, suggested the prayer), or if it was spontaneous; but obviously the Spirit of God was involved as these 21 teens and coaches gathered together, arms around shoulders, to pray that Christ would be honored during this climactic quiz.
There are many, many things more important than statistics, trophies, and fleeting “fame”:
By the way, I have no idea what caused that photographic glitch on the back of my head that looks like a bald spot 🙂