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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager



We’ve had our house on the market for over six months…no bites, no offers, lots of lookers.

Do we get frustrated? Yeah. Is it tough? Sort of, especially for Jane and the two youngest; trying to keep the house “presentable.”

In our hearts, we know the Lord has a timing and a plan (and a buyer!). We don’t know the “whys” and may never know. But we do know the Lord is on the throne; that He has called us to Midland Ministries (where I am already on staff, though working out of my NY house) in Missouri…and that He will relocate us according to His will…

On a bike ride I pulled over and journaled the following ideas using the word “waiting.”

Waiting is a test…but it is not a “test” of God’s goodness, grace, or power; it is a test for us…will we keep our eyes on Him? Will we trust? Will we redeem the time? Obviously God knows how we’ll do on the “test”; so the time of testing is, again, for us…we learn, we grow, and we will look back with smiles…

A testimony of grace, strength and patience. Currently the testimony is “current events,” soon it will be “history” (His story?) that will remain Christ-honoring…

I don’t “get it.” Again, don’t know the “whys,” don’t understand the delay, have a few ideas and hints; but the bottom line is God is God, I’m not…

This too shall pass. Yes, it may be a “valley” of sorts, but the psalmist reminds us that we pass through the valley. In everything give thanks. Not for everything, but in everything give thanks…Why? For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Never take eyes off Jesus, for He is the author, perfector, and pioneer of our faith. Don’t focus on the economy, the housing market, the other houses for sale (or the ones with “sold” signs on them), but focus on Jesus. God is good, all the time!

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