>”In the end, I don’t blame Obama. He has always been an abortion absolutist, he has only supported legislation that expanded abortion so I had to laugh when he claimed (like all pro Choicers) that we can all agree that abortions should be reduced… apparently by massive expansion around the world. I can’t wait to see what he means by “tax cut”.”
– Doug Tennapel, Filmmaker
The article from which this quote is taken is a bit harsh, but if you have enough courage read it HERE http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=jacksjots-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=0801013186&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr