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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

So...Do You Know Jack?

I am kickstarting a "new" blog in a "new" space with a "new" (to me) host.

Why? Because I can; and I believe I'm being led in this direction.

So much amazing stuff is happening right now; and I want to record it here as a testimony to God's goodness.

I will share bits and pieces of my life; quotes that inspire/convict/challenge; viewpoints on things serious and not-so-serious; photos of things and people I find fascinating.

I am not known for 'almost saying something,' sometimes to my detriment.

I a older-than-dirt; and above all I want to "finish well."

Not soon, hopefully.

But "well" regardless.

Perhaps you'll want to come along?

Perhaps you know, or will learn, why (as an unrepentant Snoopy/Peanuts olic) this is my favorite Peanuts cartoon:

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