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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

Great/Best Witnessing Tool

I was converted by reading a rather whacko book that introduced me to the Bible at the age of 26. I was in a Texas jail cell en route to prison…had no clue what the Bible/gospel was…but in reading God’s inspired Word His Spirit – without my permission by the way – and when I didn’t know He existed – and when I didn’t know the difference between a pentecostal and a king-james-only baptist -His Spirit used the sharper than a two edged sword Word to convict me of sin, judgement, and righteousness and to draw me to salvation.

There was no human being involved – “just” God’s Word.

There are many great ways to share your faith. The best is to share your story; and thus I am convinced the main reason people don’t share their faith is that they are not sure they are saved, and have not “worked out their salvation with fear and trembling.”

But I am convinced a best way to share faith is simply to stock up on some gospels of John..probably cost you a buck a piece.

When prompted, ask a friend or associate if they will accept a gift of the gospel of John, ask them to read it, and then ask if you can follow up in a couple weeks to discuss it.

“Oh, Jack, they will never accept it.”

“Shoot, Jack, they may take it but they will never read it.”

“Jack, to be honest I’m not sure if I have enough guts to try this.”

Why not?

People expect us to talk about what is important to us.

Whatcha got to lose? Maybe they will say, “no.” But maybe…because you have prayed and acted…maybe they will take it…maybe they will read it…and maybe the John portion will perform its stated purpose.

What stated purpose?

The last two verses of John 20 are the “mission statement” for the gospel of John:

30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

Maybe also consider buying several portions and giving it to friends, with a note asking them to read it and then follow it up a couple weeks later with a phone call.

Really, what do you have to lose? And what do they have to gain?

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