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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

Gotta Say It…

I’m just going to say it:

I am white.


I am Caucasian.

I am a white American.

No, I don’t know what it is like to be a minority.

No, I don’t know what it is like to be a descendant of slaves.

But I am only going to do my own time. I am not going to whine or confess the “sin” of “privilege” whatever the experts say.

Depending on how you define it, it exists.

But it is not my fault. I can denounce prejudice, denounce hate, denounce rioting. And I will…regardless of what color/race the perpetrator is…

I won’t apologize for slavery. I had nothing to do with it.

I won’t feel guilty for being white.

I’ll note reverse-discrimination when I see it.

Someone named Austin Channing tweeted, “Speaking against this racist rally is good. Speaking against the ways white supremacy is propped up in your own circle is better.”

Sorry, I’m not going to speak against something that doesn’t exist “in my circle.”

Someone named Jeremy Courtney tweets ” We’ve benefited from bigotry since before we were born.”

And that’s my fault? No, sir, ’tis not.

Someone named Sarah Bessey types: “Praying fiercely for an empowered church to rise in love and courage and strength and truth against the evil of white supremacy.”

I don’t know Sarah,  but I do wonder if she ever said anything remotely similar about segments (large segments) of the BlackLivesMatter bunch? Or the rioters in Missouri?

Beth Moore said, “We cannot renounce what we will not name. It’s called White Supremacy. And it is from hell. Call it. Condemn it.”

Beth, you make a living teaching people how to study scripture. Surely you know there is no such thing as “White Supremacy.”

Sadly there are white supremists (just as there are black, asian, etc); but there is no such thing as white supremacy. Or black supremacy. Or republican supremacy. Or democrat supremacy…

A Lutheran pastor named Rev. Khader El-Yateem tweeted, “As a Christian pastor, I want to say that if Jesus was here today, he would be standing on the side of the anti-racists. “

And with that I concur. But when I look at his Twitter Feed I shake my head as I see, among other things, that as a political candidate for city council in Brooklyn, NY he is leading the charge (and apparently has won) to get all “confederate street names” at Fort Hamilton.


Pretty soon we will be arrested and perhaps shot if we use the word “south” in any context.

Insanity it is.

Fire away, people, if you wish…

Oh, and by the way, “white” is not my primary identity.

Here is my identity, in case you are interested…

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