>I have just concluded one of the best books I’ve ever read.
I urge you to buy it. I ask you to buy it from Amazon by clicking on the link. As I subsist on missionary support if you ever start an Amazon purchase from this blog and buy anything I get a tiny percentage, and you get my gratitude!
But regarding this book…here is my personal money-back guarantee…if you buy it (off this link) and don’t like it I commit to giving you your money back. If you can convince me that you genuinely can’t afford it, I will buy it for you (email me at jack.hager@gmail.com and make your case)
I will be quoting from the book as time allows; but for now let me simply challenge you go get it, read it, apply it.
Here, then, is simply one brief snippet to whet your appetite:
“Success drives pragmatic evangelism. pragmatic evangelism never
asks the question, ‘Who are we to be as an evangelist?’
Pragmatic evangelism only asks the question, ‘What works?’
Pragmatic evangelism is ‘doing’ evangelism in a way that elevates
success and method over anything else.
It becomes the business of evangelism…
…and sadly, because success sells,
it’s often unquestioned in the Christian community.”