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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

Discouraged? READ THIS!

James Emory White has an encouraging word for the discouraged:

“This is a simple post. When you are discouraged, remember these seven words:

There is a God on the loose.

If you’re in ministry, remember it when you don’t have …enough money …enough volunteers …enough space …enough freedom …enough staff.

If you’re trying to raise kids, remember it when you don’t have …enough patience …enough time …enough sleep …enough wisdom …enough hands.

If you’re trying to follow Christ, remember it when you don’t have …enough trust …enough strength …enough hope …enough faith …enough love.


There is a God on the loose.

Remember that you have,

…a God who knows all that you don’t have;

…a God who loves your church and ministry more than you do;

…a God who loves your child(ren), and your spouse, more than you do;

…a God who knows what you need more than you do;

…a God who wants to see His kingdom come, and His glory radiate out from your life, more than you do.

This is the God who is roaming wild and free. He knows your situation. He knows…


And He adores you. He is on your side. He wants nothing but the best for you.

Don’t trivialize this with worldly ideas of “success.” God is about more than that for your life. He’s about all that is right, all that is best, all that is true, all that is beautiful. Despite your current circumstances, His larger, perfect plan is unfolding. Every perfect gift comes from His hand, and He is a gift-giving God.

So if you are discouraged, take heart. You are His prized son, His precious daughter. So pray. Trust. Particularly when you are discouraged.


There is a God on the loose.

And He knows your name.”

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