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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

>Die on the Right Mountain(s)


Am I saved, or a “good Christian,” based on how I think the world is going to end? Do I have to hold to a “pretribulation rapture” (by the way, were I a North Korean believer, for example, might I not think the tribulation had already started?) to be able to preach in your church/ministry? In these days when there is a “famine of hearing the words of the Lord” and people are arguing the very essentials of the gospel, do we dare refuse to work with, pray for, and love those who disagree about the “security of the believer,” the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit, the mode of baptism?

Perhaps you do…I don’t.

And these words from Bryan Chappel do a fantastic job of reiterating bounderies:

“We are called out of our separateness not to do as we please, but to direct our faith and practice toward the truths given to us by the testimony of Scripture. This calling also causes us to honor brothers and sisters of other churches and denominations who unite their thoughts and actions to Scripture. In doing so we must affirm that there are differences that are honorable but not vital; there are believers with whom we differ on matters important, but not essential; and even as were are correcting ourselves by Scripture, we are called to seek ways to come together with those who are with us in their testimony of one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. What we are not permitted to do is unite ourselves with those who have abandoned these truths affirmed in Scripture.”

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