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  • Writer's pictureJack Hager

>An Obscenity Too Often Heard in Church


Fingernails across a blackboard, or worse. That’s the feeling I get when I hear some well meaning but dumb person say, “Oh how I love the youth of our church. They are the church of tomorrow!”

Yeah, right. So what are they today? It’s obscene to say they, by inference, that they are not the church of today!

It’s a great saying to keep students uninvolved, uncommitted, and unchallenged. And, of course, that’s the way they will be as they get older, because “what you will be, you are now becoming.”

They are the church of today, and they are capable of great things.

A French artillery officer came up with “night writing,” raised dots on a page of orders that a soldier could “read” without the danger of lighting a lantern.

A 13-year old blind teen heard about it, and begged the officer to transfer the concept to the blind. The officer didn’t see the value.

The teen kept working on it, and simplified the process himself.

You’ve probable guessed the name – Louis Braille.

Don’t let students off the hook by telling them (or treating them as if) they are the church of tomorrow.

They are today’s church; and there is a job for them to do in the church.

Put ’em to work!

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